Hire the best teachers in 24 hours
We know it’s not easy to find a new partner that fits you, that’s why we have reversed the process by putting at your disposal a team of the best teachers, so you save time and money, while hiring the best professional. Profiles verified by our team.
Managed service
You need a candidate for yesterday and you don't have time to manage it? That's no longer a problem, for a small fee we will dive the net and find you 3 candidates that meet the needs of your center. All 3 candidates will be available or willing to change.
Up-to-date candidates, always
We have different methods for updating candidates, so you will see that most of the calls you make are to available teachers. Profiles expire every 2 months, every 15 days we send a reminder to update the status and we also have job postings, where only available candidates apply.
Continuous improvement
In Edutalent we are continuously adding improvements, we like you to come in and try the platform, but above all we like you to stay, so if you have any suggestions we will be happy to hear them.
Managed service
You need a candidate for yesterday and you don't have time to manage it? That's no longer a problem, for a small fee we will dive the net and find you 3 candidates that meet the needs of your center. All 3 candidates will be available or willing to change.
Up-to-date candidates, always
We have different methods for updating candidates, so you will see that most of the calls you make are to available teachers. Profiles expire every 2 months, every 15 days we send a reminder to update the status and we also have job postings, where only available candidates apply.
Continuous improvement
In Edutalent we are continuously adding improvements, we like you to come in and try the platform, but above all we like you to stay, so if you have any suggestions we will be happy to hear them.
Candidates with desire, a lot of desire
Anyone can apply for an offer, just by following a couple of steps they have already sent you a resume.
Our profiles include all kinds of experience, knowledge and even a presentation video, filter our candidates and find that math, language, music teacher… you are looking for.
Create a job offer, you will only receive applications that meet the following criteria
Filter by knowledge, subjects they can teach, distance to the center, languages, degrees…
Get up and running in minutes, just browse profiles, post your offer or request a managed service and we’ll take care of it for you.
Hire with an advantage
You publish an offer and the candidates come flooding in, but how do you make the selection? How do you reach the most interesting teachers? We guarantee that all your applications will be valid.
In addition, you can post as many job offers as you want for free or ask us to find you 3 candidates with the managed service.
We are already 29,000 #Edutalents
Say goodbye to the classic job offers where you waste time filtering the candidate and interviewing him/her, it’s 2024, hire like one.
Create your account
It's simple, you fill in your experience, studies, presentation video...
Filter by needs
Choose the filters you are interested in: subject, languages, area of residence, accreditations...
When you find the right person, go ahead and hire and you are done.
Our prices are simple, no strings attached, book a meeting with us and we will inform you.
Choose the subjects you can teach
We make sure that users have their certifications.
Reviews of colleagues and schools they have worked at
Your 5 most outstanding skills
Filter by languages and their levels
Presentation video
The best way to get to know the candidate
We do not say so ourselves
Other teachers like you, who already have their Edutalent profile, say so.
Hirings managed in the beta
Reduction of contracting times
#Edutalents with a lot of desire to work
Reduced costs compared to job search portals